Shipping to a UPS access point can save the fish from as much as 12 hours on an uninsulated delivery truck in holiday peak season. Get your fish quicker and safer from a UPS Access point!

To ship to a UPS Access Point, enter the closest UPS Access Point address as your shipping address, and write "UPS Hold for Pickup" on the Company line or Address Line 2.

You can find an access point by googling "UPS ACCESS POINT NEAR ME"

*Note that it MUST be a UPS Access Point, and it CANNOT be a UPS Store. UPS Stores do not allow holding for pickup of live animals."

We may reach out to you and require your order to be held at a UPS access point in the interest of the health of our animals. If that does not work for you, we will likely cancel the order. 

*We recommend that fish be held at a UPS access point if the weather is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.*