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Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis)

Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis)

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Description: The Bamboo Shrimp, also known as the Wood Shrimp, is a peaceful freshwater invertebrate known for its fan-like appendages used to filter feed from the water column. It has a reddish-brown body with subtle striping and can blend well with natural environments.

Size: Up to 4 inches (10 cm)

Aquarium Size: A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for Bamboo Shrimp to provide sufficient water flow and space for feeding.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C)

  • pH: 6.5 to 7.5

  • Hardness: Soft to moderate

Temperament: Bamboo Shrimp are peaceful community invertebrates. They do well in calm setups and can coexist with other non-aggressive species.

Group Size: Bamboo Shrimp can be kept singly but may feel more secure when kept in small groups of 2 to 4 individuals.

Compatibility: Bamboo Shrimp can be kept with small, peaceful fish such as tetras, rasboras, and corydoras catfish. Avoid housing with aggressive or fin-nipping species.

Diet: Filter feeders. Bamboo Shrimp feed by capturing particles from the water column. They benefit from occasional supplemental feedings of powdered shrimp food or ground flake food.

Care Level: Intermediate. They require stable water parameters and moderate to strong water flow to ensure proper feeding.

Planted Aquarium: Bamboo Shrimp thrive in planted aquariums with strong water flow. Plants help create a natural environment and provide security.

Invertebrate Compatibility: Bamboo Shrimp are safe with other peaceful invertebrates like snails and Amano Shrimp.

Lid Recommendation: A lid is recommended as Bamboo Shrimp may climb and attempt to leave the tank during molting periods.

Additional Notes: Bamboo Shrimp require a mature aquarium with established biofilm and microorganisms for proper nutrition. Regular water changes and good filtration are essential.

Disclaimer: Aquarium Arts cannot guarantee compatibility with your current fish or the fish you buy and cannot be held liable for fish lost due to aggression.


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