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Blueline Triggerfish (Pseudobalistes fuscus)

Blueline Triggerfish (Pseudobalistes fuscus)

Regular price $199.00
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The Blueline Triggerfish, also known as the Blue-lined Triggerfish or Yellow-spotted Triggerfish, is a bold and striking species that adds a dynamic presence to large marine aquariums. Its vibrant body features an olive to yellowish base color with brilliant electric blue lines running across its face and body, creating a stunning contrast. Known for its strong personality and intelligence, the Blueline Triggerfish is both fascinating and entertaining to observe.

Care Requirements:
This robust species requires a large aquarium of at least 180 gallons with plenty of open swimming space and sturdy rock structures for hiding and establishing territories. Due to its strength and curiosity, ensure that decorations are securely anchored, as it may rearrange items in the tank. A tight-fitting lid is recommended, as triggerfish are known to jump.

In the wild, the Blueline Triggerfish feeds on a variety of hard-shelled invertebrates, including crustaceans, mollusks, and urchins. In captivity, provide a varied diet of meaty foods such as shrimp, squid, clams, and krill. High-quality marine pellets and frozen foods designed for carnivores are also beneficial. Regular feedings of hard-shelled foods help maintain healthy teeth, as triggerfish have powerful jaws that continue to grow throughout their lives.

The Blueline Triggerfish is aggressive and territorial, especially as it matures. It’s best kept with other large, assertive fish that can hold their own. Avoid housing it with small, delicate, or timid species, as well as ornamental invertebrates, which it may view as food. This fish is intelligent and can recognize its keeper, often displaying interactive behaviors.

Reef Compatibility:
Not Reef Safe. The Blueline Triggerfish will likely nip at corals and will eat crustaceans, snails, and other invertebrates. It’s best suited for a fish-only or FOWLR (Fish-Only with Live Rock) aquarium.

Best kept with other large, aggressive fish such as groupers, large angelfish, lionfish, and puffers. Avoid housing with other triggerfish unless the aquarium is exceptionally large, and even then, monitor for aggression. Introduce all large aggressive species at the same time to reduce territorial disputes.

Aquarium Arts Disclaimer:
Aquarium Arts cannot guarantee compatibility with your current fish or the fish you buy and cannot be held liable for fish lost due to aggression.

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