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Pinkbar Goby (Cryptocentrus aurora)

Pinkbar Goby (Cryptocentrus aurora)

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Pinkbar Goby (Cryptocentrus aurora)

The Pinkbar Goby, also known as the Aurora Goby or the Gorgeous Prawn Goby, is a striking and hardy bottom-dwelling fish perfect for reef and community aquariums. Known for its symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp, this fascinating goby is a great choice for aquarists looking to add personality and functionality to their tank.

Appearance: The Pinkbar Goby features a white body with bold, reddish-pink bands running along its length. Its dorsal fin is adorned with intricate blue spots, and its tail fin often displays eye-catching yellow and red markings. Its large, expressive eyes and elongated body give it a unique, elegant appearance.

Behavior: Pinkbar Gobies are peaceful, bottom-dwelling fish that enjoy burrowing in the sand. They are well known for their mutualistic relationship with pistol shrimp, in which the shrimp digs and maintains a burrow while the goby acts as a lookout for predators. This symbiosis creates a fascinating dynamic to observe in the home aquarium. While generally shy at first, Pinkbar Gobies become more active and confident over time.

Diet: These gobies are carnivores and thrive on a diet of high-quality marine pellets, flakes, and frozen foods such as mysis shrimp and brine shrimp. They will also feed on small crustaceans and copepods in the sand. Regular feedings of varied protein-rich foods will help maintain their health and vibrant coloration.

Tank Requirements: A minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended for a Pinkbar Goby, with plenty of sand and live rock for burrowing and hiding. A well-established aquarium with stable water parameters will ensure they thrive. If keeping them with a pistol shrimp, fine sand should be provided for burrow construction.

Tankmates: Pinkbar Gobies are peaceful and do well in community reef tanks with other non-aggressive fish. Ideal tankmates include clownfish, wrasses, blennies, and other peaceful gobies. They can be kept singly, in pairs, or with a compatible pistol shrimp. Avoid aggressive fish that may harass or outcompete them for food.

Reef Aquarium Compatibility: Pinkbar Gobies are reef-safe and will not harm corals or invertebrates. Their burrowing behavior may occasionally stir up sand, but this can benefit the aquarium by preventing detritus buildup and keeping the substrate oxygenated.

Max Size: The Pinkbar Goby can grow up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in length, making it one of the larger goby species.

Origin: This species is native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the waters around Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Great Barrier Reef. They are commonly found in sandy reef environments where they form partnerships with pistol shrimp.

Interesting Facts:

  • Pinkbar Gobies form a fascinating symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp, relying on each other for survival.
  • They are excellent jumpers, so a secure lid is recommended to prevent escapes.
  • Their burrowing behavior helps maintain a clean and aerated substrate in the aquarium.

Disclaimer: Aquarium Arts cannot guarantee compatibility with your current fish or the fish you buy and cannot be held liable for fish lost due to aggression.

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