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Railway Sleeper Goby (Valenciennea helsdingenii)

Railway Sleeper Goby (Valenciennea helsdingenii)

Regular price $49.00
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The Railway Sleeper Goby is a striking sand-sifting species that plays a vital role in keeping the substrate clean by consuming detritus and leftover food. Named for the two dark oval spots on each side of its body, resembling railway tracks, this goby has a pale body with subtle yellow and blue markings, making it both functional and visually appealing in a saltwater aquarium.

Grows to a maximum size of about 6 inches.

Aquarium Size:
A minimum tank size of 40 gallons is recommended to provide ample space for foraging and burrowing behaviors.

Generally peaceful, the Railway Sleeper Goby does well in community aquariums. However, it can be territorial toward other sand-sifting gobies unless kept as a bonded pair.

Reef Compatibility:
This species is reef-safe and will not harm corals or invertebrates, though its constant sifting may cause sand to settle on corals placed near the substrate.

Feeds by sifting sand for tiny invertebrates but requires supplemental feeding with frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and high-quality sinking pellets to ensure proper nutrition.

Tank Setup & Care:

  • Requires a fine sandy substrate for natural feeding behavior.

  • Prefers a tank with rock formations for shelter and resting.

  • Best kept as a single specimen or a bonded pair unless housed in a large aquarium.

Aquarium Arts cannot guarantee compatibility with your current fish or the fish you buy and cannot be held liable for fish lost due to aggression.


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