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Springer's Damsel (Chrysiptera springeri)

Springer's Damsel (Chrysiptera springeri)

Regular price $15.00
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Behavior: The Springer's Damsel, also known as the Blue Sapphire Damselfish, is a small and active species known for its striking coloration and hardy nature. These fish can be territorial, especially in smaller tanks, but are generally less aggressive than other damselfish. They thrive in well-structured environments with plenty of live rock, caves, and hiding spots. Springer's Damsels are known for their constant activity and can be seen darting around the tank. They also are awesome for pest control of flatworms in the reef aquarium. 

Color: The Springer's Damsel is visually stunning, featuring a body that is a deep, vibrant blue with iridescent highlights that shimmer under aquarium lighting. Juveniles and adults exhibit similar color patterns, with the intensity of the blue becoming more pronounced as they mature.

Diet: Springer's Damsels are omnivores and thrive on a varied diet. They do well on a mix of high-quality flake food, pellets, and frozen foods such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. Including marine algae or spirulina in their diet helps maintain their health and vibrant coloration. Regular feedings are important to keep them healthy and active.

Tankmates: Springer's Damsels can be territorial and should be housed with other robust and similarly sized fish. Suitable tankmates include clownfish, gobies, tangs, and other semi-aggressive species. Avoid housing them with very small or timid fish that may be intimidated or outcompeted for food. Due to their territorial nature, it is important to carefully select tankmates that can coexist with them.

Reef Aquarium Compatibility: Springer's Damsels are reef-safe and do not harm corals or invertebrates. Their vibrant coloration and active swimming add dynamic movement and visual appeal to the tank. Their hardy nature makes them a great addition to reef environments.

Max Size: Springer's Damsels can grow up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in length. Due to their active nature and need for hiding spots, they require a spacious aquarium of at least 30 gallons to thrive and maintain good water quality.

Origin: Springer's Damsels are commonly found in the Western Pacific region, particularly around the waters of the Philippines and Indonesia.

Sexual Dimorphism: Springer's Damsels do not exhibit significant sexual dimorphism, making it difficult to distinguish males from females based solely on appearance.

Interesting Facts:

  • Springer's Damsels are known for their vibrant blue coloration and hardy nature, making them a favorite among marine aquarists.

  • They are relatively easy to care for and can adapt well to captivity with proper care and a well-maintained environment.

  • Springer's Damsels are active swimmers and enjoy exploring their surroundings, adding dynamic movement to the aquarium.

  • Their territorial nature and unique appearance make them a visually captivating addition to any reef tank.

Disclaimer: Aquarium Arts cannot guarantee compatibility with your current fish or the fish you buy and cannot be held liable for fish lost due to aggression.

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